Administration Allowing Windu to Access Jira Information

Campbell Dorsett

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

If you're connecting your Jira widget to your team's server in Jira, this is a step that you can't forget!

The owner of your Jira server needs to grant permission for this data to be shared with Windu.

If you're the owner, first to go to your Jira dashboard. Select the gear icon on the top right corner of the window. Under that, select "User Management" to see all the accounts that are part of your server.

You can then select the user that needs permission. On the user's page, scroll down to "Groups". Click "Add to Group" and a modal will open, showing possible groups you can add this user to. You'll want to select "jira-administrators" to grant them access to administrator features of Jira.

That's it - the user will be able to connect to their Jira widget now!