Starting Activities from Jira

Campbell Dorsett

Last Update vor 2 Jahren

Windu is configured with Jira to keep you and your team organized. If you haven't already connected to Jira within Windu, review our article explaining how to do so!

Find the sprint that you're working on within your Jira widget. You'll see all of the tickets from the column that you connected to your widget.

Click the play button at the bottom of the ticket and you'll see your timer start running with that activity at the top of your dashboard. You can also pause or stop that activity at any point from either your running timer or from the Jira widget.

Remember that when you stop an activity for a ticket, that ticket will be pushed to the column that you indicated previously. So, it may disappear from your Jira widget. For example, when you continue working on and then complete an activity for a ticket in the 'In Progress" column, it will be pushed to the "Done" column, which in the case below, it hidden from the widget. It will not appear again unless a team member pushes it back to either "To Do" or "In Progress".