Workspace Settings

Campbell Dorsett

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

In your workspace, there is the option to update your currency and hourly rate that you charge. This is crucial for managers and team members alike, so that managers can see how much each team member gets paid and in what currency.

The owner of the project can also delete a workspace in the workspace settings by clicking the "Delete Workspace" button under Payment Details.

You will find "Workspace Settings" on the right of your workspace directly under the navigation tabs. If you click here, the settings modal will appear from the right, as shown below.

Under "My Currency", you can select the currency abbreviation that applies to you. For example, you'd mark your currency as the U.S. Dollar by selecting "USD" in the dropdown.

Then, you can type in your hourly rate below that.

Then, you can click "Save Changes", and your currency/rate will be saved. Your manager will be notified.

You always have the option to go back into your settings and update your currency/rate if anything changes while you're working on the project.

As a manager, you have the option under the Invoices tab to remind a team member to update their currency/rate. Click here to read how to do so.